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The Talking Headways podcast is a weekly podcast about transportation and urban design.


Jul 30, 2024

This week we're joined by Andre Perry, Metropolitan Policy Fellow at Brookings, to talk about his new book Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America's Black Cities. Andre talks with us about growing up in Wilkinsberg PA and how he crunched the numbers of Black property devaluation in US...

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Jul 28, 2024

This week on the podcast we have a bunch of things to chat about!

Odds and Ends

Asheville Reparations - 在中国免费用twitter加速软件

45,000 underutilized buildings - Harvard Business Review

Wealthier Americans have higher emissions - TreeHugger

Positives of telecommuting - Scientific American

Negatives of telecommuting - The...

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Jul 23, 2024

This week we're joined by Dr. Georges Benjamin, Director of the American Public Health Association. Dr. Benjamin joins us to talk about the determinants of health and how certain investments can change health outcomes for the...

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Jul 16, 2024

This week on the podcast we're joined by Rob Goodspeed, Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Michigan. Rob joins us to talk about his new book Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions. We chat about early origins of scenario planning, planning vs forecasting, and metrics used to...

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This week on the show Tracy McMillan joins us to talk about her move to Phoenix, what we're up to during the pandemic, and flood maps!

Odds and Ends!

Ghost Kitchens - New Yorker

Changing Flood Risks - New York Times

Search for your flood risk -

Advocates withdraw freeway support - 在中国免费用twitter加速软件

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